
Adams County Pet Rescue

Champion: Snuggly 16 - Round 2


ONLY DONATIONS COUNTED: March 13 at 11 AM EST to March 15 at 11 PM EST

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Our Story

Adams County Pet Rescue

Adams County Pet Rescue was founded in 2001 and is a 501c3 nonprofit organization, which means that we are funded by tax-deductible donations, grants, and one small government contract to care for the animals in the county. Our staff is made up of compassionate and hard-working people who are dedicated to caring for animals that need help. We take in abandoned, neglected and abused dogs and cats throughout the county. These animals are then rehabilitated to the best of our ability, which for some may include training at the Coyote Ridge Corrections Center, and eventually placed in loving, caring environments. Our goal is to save as many animals as possible from a lifetime of sadness, and provide them with happy, healthy homes where they can run around, play, and live their best life.